of counsel

Alberto de Sanctis
After graduating from the University of Turin in 1995 with a thesis on the crime of Insider Trading (Use of confidential information in the Italian securities market), which was then published by the Italian daily Il Sole 24 Ore, Alberto undertook his legal practice with Claudio Maria Papotti in Gian Paolo Zancan’s law firm. He continued his legal activity in the associated firm of professor Mauro Ronco and Claudio Maria Papotti. Admitted to the Turin Bar in 2000, he became a partner in the law firm “Ronco & Papotti, Penalisti Associati” and, later, in 2002 he established the associated law firm “Papotti & de Sanctis, Penalisti Associati“. In 2003, he founded the law firm “de Sanctis Scicolone, Avvocati Associati”. Besides his legal and advisory activities, Alberto is a member of supervisory bodies both in corporations and in other companies, pursuant to the Act no. 231 of 2001. His monographs and articles in law reviews (, some of them written with other authors, cover all aspects of his professional activity. He was the chairman of the Criminal Chamber of Western Piedmont and Aosta Valley “Vittorio Chiusano” between 2018 and 2022. He is of counsel at LJLex since 2020.